Sooooo there is much debate right now as to what I should paint the shop.
I really what to do justice to 2010. I like #6 on the karen walker/resene pallete.
I have anaffection for yellow at the moment that I can't explain. don't want it all over but am loving it paired withthe dusty blue and the slate grey. Am also LOVING the idea of a really large scale black board.
ALSO a big thanks to 100 layer Cake and design*sponge for heaps of colour inspiration I really can't wait to dig in...now where the hell did I store all the painting gear?
OMG - remind me to show you my 2010 diary!
Mindy, Mindy, Mindy! I love the yellow (my favorite color) and I love your blog even more. We so miss NZ and still contemplate moving there forever and ever! Sigh...advice?
Look, my niece has a little Flat Stanley letter. Can I send it to you and Gretta? Would you write a little postcard when you receive the note? Just checking. All my love-
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