Soooooo what do you think??? It's bold, yet clean, different and no one has got sunshine yellow beams! ya I know, SUNSHINE YELLOW. I don't even need a coffee in the morning. I've included the Angie Lewin print that was my inspiration. there are a few things that still need doing and signage still needs to change over (still working it out) to my new colours and lets not even talk about the mammoth task of repainting the OUTSIDE of the building which is a mess and if my landlord knew I was going to paint it again he'd have a fit. not because he's precious but because he doesn't like me spending money or energy to do up the building??? he thinks it's a waste on such an old building. He's a funny old thing. Any way. The painting was fun and the kids helped heaps but a massive thanks goes to Stuart, Who risked life and limb on the ladder for 6 hours painting over two days painting the high bits that I can't reach even on a ladder. Pulling a groin mussel and shoulder mussel. He's a lawyer for goodness sake and not so used to the physical demands of the painting profession. So there it is. love it or hate it. It's done. I kind of love it.
Oooo I loooove the blackboard. And that yellow is gorgeous.
You are painting over our brown goodness? hahahaha I still fondly remember painting your lovely shop. Lots of laughs!
LOL you crack me up! I was thinking I needed to fly you down for a painting party but that would make you the most expensive painter in NZ. pretty excessive. so I'll just send you pics and get opinion:) we could do it virtually.
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