Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ohhhhhhhh yes. We have them. The wonderful the most useful, the extremely cute, Washi tape!!! (Japanese Masking Tape) I am obsessed and i think i have used these babies in every way imaginable. If you are an avid sketcher, artist, designer or writer, than these are so very useful for you.
$6 each or a pack of 3 for $17 Come on in before they get snapped up by all the savvy uni students.

Have a lovely week.

x mindy

1 comment:

imogenwilson said...

Hello, My name is Imogen and i was put onto you by the lovely Dusty and Lulu, i met them at a craft fair and they thought you might like what i do (fingers crossed, enough to stock what i make). Is there an email address i can send you a couple of pics please? Mine is if you don't want to give yours out on here... Look forward to hearing from you :) Imogen