Next to the pleasantly plump red suited guy there is nothing more christmasy than a gingerbread house. And one turned into MAAAAAANY houses. Our very own wintery village. All 9 kgs of icing sugar, 18 egg whites and 10 kgs of lollies of it. I know it is NOT winter on this end of the world but no matter how long i have been here in this lovely country, come xmas time my mind is transported to what i grew up knowing xmas to be. So many of my expat Brits, Canadian and fellow American customers and friends have a real soft spot for that sort of thing so this years xmas window is dedicated to you all. Young and old. To your inner child with wintry north pole endeavours.

I hope you'll come over to have a look and if you are driving by at night...its all lit up then too.
Lastly, I looked up from my desk this afternoon to spot an old man with a cane stopped in his tracks. he gingerly hung his walking cane on his arm while he searched in his pocket pulled out an old school snap camera and took a picture of the window display. Then he slowly walked away with a smile. I don't think i have ever been so proud of a display. It really touched me.
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