These are MY GIRLS! Newtown school has started an electives program and every Thursday year 5 and 6 kids get to learn an external subject of thier choice. I am teaching handcrafts and these lovely young ladies are my crew. I must tell you that I have never met such a lovely well behaved group of girls and I am proud and privelaged to be taking part in such an amazing and fun workshop. Will post more as we complete. last week we made photo holders from
white or black pipe cleaners that made little branches to place your family pictures in and this week we embroidered flax Kete's with starflower shapes. the girls did front and back and all sizes flowers. They were also very excited to thier work home and keep working on them. Thank you Anna Zaramali Gretta Kaylyn Zung and Fadima. Can't wait till next week. xox
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