Saturday, August 22, 2009

Here are the pics of Lucky Dip Craft night projects finally. We made a lovely kete purse from recyled kete and vintage linens most of which were my grandmas (don't worry I still have trillions) and the delicate paper mobiles. I seemed to have camera issues but here you are minus the picture massive record group we had. Thanks to everyone who came out. Your creations were all so lovely and unique. And a big shout out to the editors and stylist of Homestyle magazine who came to sample our fun nights for an upcoming issue so keep a look out. Can't wait till next meet up as we have some wicked projects planned. IN STORE NEWS -Lovely new jewelry from Georgina baker in store now. I came back to a shop brimming with lovely goodies that had been received while I was away. ALSO the new first pieces of Starfish spring/summer collection are in store. The "great garden frock" is a red silk dress that should come with a disclaimer..."WARNING, this dress is too flirty for anyone who does not drink the occasional mohito and wink at handsome men" It has inspired my window display this week which took me 4 hours to do. If you see it you will understand:) Also new to the shop are the skeleton key collection of jewelry I did while in Michigan. I had such luck when sifting around in my mothers basement found a case full of old keys. we're talkin 'OoooLD keys. I skreetched and ask her if could have them she looked at me bizarrely and said "sure". Then like a bat out of hell I raced off to the bead shop and got supplies. The pieces are on show now and hopefully you can catch a peek before they are all gone.

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