Dear Friends,
I am writing you in regards to the proposed Funding cut to the Adult Education (aka Night Classes) at Wellington High School or ACE.
This much needed & respected organization needs little or no introduction as they (ACE) have been an integral staple in Wellington's educational diet for many years.
John Key and the National government sadly have misinformed and misguided plans to cut Adult Education completely from the budget. I was alarmed at the news, as are you I'm sure. This has huge implications for our community. What they do not see is what these workshops bring to our community. What they foster. What they ignite in those who take them. I understand it can be a simple decision to axe a program when you THINK it's only "HOBBY" classes effected, but we need to inform our government what these night classes mean to us .
You and I know that night classes are a low cost, highly accessible form of additional education for all New Zealanders and New Zealand Residents. It is also a SOURCE of great inspiration for private industry and small business. A person can work a full time job, provide for a family AND try their hand at a creative course that inspires them to go onto higher education and excel in an area they never knew they could.
Many of us know someone who has been empowered by these courses. Some of you, if not all of you have taken a class over the years that has changed you, inspired you or even is the reason you went onto further your education or just simply help you gain confidence. Here at Juniper I can tell you that over the three years in business I can attribute thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars from goods that we have sold in our store made by attendees of night classes. It is OUR local economy directly effected when these programs get cut. Not to mention the approx 2000 jobs that will be effected by this decision nationwide.
So here is how you can help. You can, even if it's one sentence, email me and tell me how you or someone you know has been changed or helped by Wellington Adult education night classes. I will forward them onto ACE so that they may compile our reactions to help them with their cause.
I have promised to help anyway I could, I so hope you will too. I know you are busy and I know times are hard but we have to stand up and say "you can't take this away from us!"
It's our kids, our mums, our Dads, our Gran's and Grandad's effected by this.
If we sit and do nothing we and our community will suffer and once it's gone, it's gone and we will not be able to get this back.
Please pass this on to anyone you know who has ever taken a class or who you think can help.
Please note, I am not politically motivated. I actually would like to see this government make a sound and right decision I as a NZ'r can be really proud of, I just think they DON'T have the all the facts on this issue. Let's give them the facts, maybe we can change their minds. I hope so.
Thank you so much.
Your Friend,
Mindy Dalzell
you can email me at: m s g d a l z e l l @ x t r a . c o . n z
(this is a recent email I sent to all my friends I hope that you will copy paste it and send it to ANYONE who may need to know. We need your help.)
you can email me at: m s g d a l z e l l @ x t r a . c o . n z
(this is a recent email I sent to all my friends I hope that you will copy paste it and send it to ANYONE who may need to know. We need your help.)
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