WOW update...making real progress now. Started the 2nd of 4 stages/parts of the garment. All's well so far. It's so funny how looking at my very ambitious drawings how I have made tiny changes along the way but am still managing to be true to the story of the garment. I don't for a second think it's going to be easy, it hasn't, but I am so happy with my work for my skill level and feel as if at the end of the day even if it's not accepted I tried in the face of everything. Time is so precious. I have tried so far not to give any of the time with which I would spend with the children. Choosing to work on it at night or early in the mornings has suited me and them. My daughter Gretta who is my muse had the first fitting in the weekend and it fits like a glove. she said it was comfortable and she thought it was looking "really cool Mum" I was bit chuffed about that. Sadly she was just shy of the age to be a model for the show or she would tried out. there's always next year.
Have a great week.
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