Friday, January 28, 2011

Fun with my iphone photography aps. Oh the endless hours of fun. How did i live with out you oh beautiful technology. Now if only it printed money and burned all my calories for me. if only. I snapped this pic of Grets on xmas morning. sometimes i look at her and i think she could have been born in the renaissance. But then she burps or does something totally uncultured and i think no they'd have burned her at the stake. lol

So Satuday was spent painting the begining of what will be my valentines window. when all of a sudden it was closing and I hadn't gotten half way. So i will finish Sunday but what cracked me up was Gretta playing in the frames i painted. LOL man that kid cracks me up. I can't wait till the job is done and I hope you'll like it. no stickers used in this one all hand painted.

I like hard the hard stuff. he he

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lots of people ask where am i from. Now I can say From the happiest city in America. Cuz Oprah said so. Now if only she'd visit Wellington. It is the coolest capital in the world! lol

really special funny little clip about my home town.

sub-studio design blog: United Nude Lo Res

sub-studio design blog: United Nude Lo Res: "Love these United Nude Lo Res heels. The United Nude Lo Res is part of a new semi-automatic design method by United Nude. An object is di..."

Please let me find a pair of these on my pillow when i wake up. I do believe in shoe faries!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Here I am! I have not fallen into a crack I have been busy busy working on the new (old) house we purchased back in October. We elected to go away later in the year and use our holidays to tackle the garden and the first installments of DIY. The FIRST PHOTO is of the entry way before the SECOND white photo is of the entry was right now with the primmer on. We agonised over painting the wood but the space was too small for all that dark wood. We elected to show the main feature and brighten the space. I chose the Entry way/ main hallway was the first project to attack as it is, to me, the "first breath of a conversation". It's also the most intricate and complex with all the turned wood features and angles and monster surface issues. So far it is really exhausting. The wall paper striping alone took 5 days to complete. then the filling and surface prep took and another 5 days and now we are at the priming undercoating before the paint. this stage has taken 3 days so all up we have amassed 13 x 12 hours days. Sore does not even begin to describe my condition. But progress made everyday brings us closer and we can see the amazing potential our little Victorian gem has. I am very excited to show you once we have painted!