It's been a emotional week my Buddy Grandma (as we called her) passed away at the beginning of the week and was laid to rest the day before yesterday. I have mentioned her on my blog before. She was 90 and lived a fantastic life and has an amazingly loving family. Pauline has a story that must be shared, as for all of us who are parents would see it's remarkable. She was a good loving wife and mother of 5 children. When she was pregnant with her 5th child the devastating event happened that would change her life. My Grandfather was killed walking home from work by an intoxicated driver. He was the love of her life and she never remarried. But she worked hard to provide for her 5 children and loved them all and taught them the morals that helped them bring up all 12 grandchildren with love and dignity. She was always there in the same house in the same town even after everyone moved on and out of state and country she kept a foundation of respect and love for us to all come back to when ever we needed her. She rarely "needed" anything from anyone. She was independent and proud. What she craved and lived for was social interaction and loved correspondence. Letters were so important to her. I love them too. We were pen pals. She wrote Poetry and often submitted to the Poetry Guild. This is a poem that my cousin Gayle found.
Look up and Smile
No one ever saw the rainbow
Who was always looking down.
So look up, and laugh, and reach my friend,
And never wear a frown.
You have a Friend up above
Who is looking down in love.
He doesn't like us to be downhearted and blue,
And he will strengthen us, if we follow through.
So launch out my friend, the harvest is white,
And gather the sheaves, before it is night.
- Pauline Covey
She loved going to Bingo, growing massive tomatoes and more than anything she loved the lord. When I left the church for personal reasons she just prayed for me. She didn't judge. I think she hoped I'd come back eventually. She gave me more than religion ever could. She gave my mother shelter in many storms and that taught me the gift of charity and forgiveness.
Juniper is so much a part of what I learned from her as a child. She made the coolest dish scrubbers in the most amazing colour combinations. And her love of flowers that my mum adopted & skilled herself in the art of floristry and then passed it to me. I try to carry on that tradition of craft and love of community. She told me often she would love to see the shop in person. I wish she could have. I will miss her. My friend and lovely Grandma. my Buddy.
In no order of importance:
- your new store looks lovely
- I think of your new store whenever I turn on the lamp I bought from Gawjus Fings the other day. Because you were there going nutty about fabric and stuff, talking about your new store. Inspired me to spend oodles more than I meant to.
- sorry about your grandma. My nana got me going in craft.
cheers, A.
that's so funny. Sorry to have made you stray from the budget but god isn't it worth it sometimes. Thanks for the comment hope to see you around:)
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