Last Wednesday I was so lucky and honored to be invited to speak to the Wellington Embroiders Guild in Thorndon. I was to speak for 15-20 minutes on my craft background, how I came to NZ when I opened my shop and other crafty business related subjects. I must say I was very nervous but not because these ladies were scary but because the work they produce is so good it humbles one. I was there to let them know My plans for introducing new blood into the craft and thus helping them get new members. Firstly, these ladies floored me with the dedication and efficiency they showed. Not only was a huge meeting room set up within 10 minutes complete with roving craft library but secondhand haberdashery sales table, sound equipment, name tag table, and refreshments as well. By the time I got around to asking to help they were hot into making sales and pouring cups. The meeting swung into order with a swift smack of the gavel and away we went. I was invited to the podium after a few words from the president. Fighting the late stages of a cold with my raspy sexy cold voice on, I told of my business concept, the Sublime Stitching by jenny hart classes we put on and showed some of my Sewcherry products. But it was when I brought out my Great grandma Anne's sewing box that I got quite emotional. A tear came to my eye and I had to stop. I realized I was looking straight into the faces of someone else's Mothers and Grandmothers. I know it sounds corny, And I was SO EMBARRASSED how it took hold of me for a minute. I realised I miss my Gran and Great Gran more than I knew.
To be sitting around a table with them, Grandma Pinky, Great Grandma Anne with My Auntie Suzie, My Mum, sisters and I all laughing till it hurt and sewing something amazing, how I would love that. This was all flashing in my mind and it was so surreal. But I carried on. Finished my talk and ran to the corner of the room. When we broke for a break and discussion I was touched to see these lovely women all coming to look into my sewing box. Nodding with approval some smiling at it's contents others picking things up and inspecting for tag and names of old threads etc. (as the box still contains many on Great Grandma Anne's threads. Then a lovely woman came to me in the corner and said "that was very sweet how you spoke of the women in your family. They must be really proud." And you know what? I think they are.
*Thank you to the Wellington Embroiders Guild for their warm hospitality.
That's really lovely... & good on you! Isn't it funny how feelings like that really take effect when you speak them out loud.
Hi btw! I'm Ginny from Swonderful in Brooklyn, we love your shop and your blog! :)
I would love to go back next month. provided I don't blubber and throw my arms around some unsuspecting elderly lady screaming "Nana!" he he
Thank you so much Ginny for your comment. I haven't yet been to your shop but people speak so highly of it. I can see from your blog it is so lovely.
Sounds like an amazing experience...when is the next embroidery night? I've been to one and would love to drag a friend along...
Aw Mindy - you are the cutest!
Loved the embroidery story and can say that if I was your grandma I'd be proud too! (Except I'm not - but I'm still proud of ya ;) )
And I'm totally there for the next stitching class :D
Aw-shucks. thanks guys. Next stitch class is soon. I kind of want to do a project instead of demo of Sublime stitching patterns. So watch this space for the announcement re: the Stitch night. I'm thinking "Mystery craft" and "Bring your imaginary friend to life" the wheel's still turning... hmmm what will it be. maybe I hold a vote? oooooh a democracy me likey :)Mindy
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