Suffocating under a pile of Sewcherry sewing the other day I thought to myself "Self (I said) why don't you sell all of these scraps you keep saying you'll do something with and never do?" So I thought that was a pretty good idea and crawled out from under the pile, went down to the shop, had Nicky and I put together lots of wee packs of patchwork fabric. If you are passing by this week and need a cold weather project snap up a wee pack of fabric only $2 ea. We'll even give you a few tips of what you can create. Above is a sneak peak at fun you can have with fabric. (images from top to bottom pin cusions by indygo junction, badges by sewcherry, toys by sewcherry, quilt by Denyse Schmidt, brooch by sveetcoture)
Hello! :-)
do you still sell sublime stitching patterns?
If so how much + postage. (i am in Christchurch NZ)
and am i able to pay with internet deposit?
I look forward to your reply- thanks!
yes we sure do. they are $8 nzd $ each and depending on the amount you want cost between .90-$4.00 postage.
we accept visa, mastercard & direct credit (just email me at msgdalzell@xtra.co.nz to do this)
we have most of the patterns but are sold out a few best sellers. let me know which ones you are after.
thanks for the post.
kind regards
Me again - do have an etsy store etc?
Is your main selling outlet the Juniper Gallery in Welly?
Gorgeous stuff. I'll have to come and do some Juniper-looking this week :) Yay!
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