Ahhhhhh! our July Sublime Stitching class has booked up already!
So an extra class has been added for all you who still want to sign up.
Sunday July 23rd at 4pm. as always bring a pillow and your item you want to stitch. Everything else is taken care of.
I just found your site and I love it! Looks like wonderful stuff in your shop. Have you thought of selling some things online too?
My family and I are planning a move to Welly next year. I'll definately sign up for a class as soon as we are settled in!
So happy you like it. We used to sell online but have since opening the shop just wnt to focus on it for now. By all means if there is something you see in the blog that you like just let me know and we can arrange a sale via email. look forward to meeting you and your famly when you have settled in Welly.
all the best,
I'm glad I won't have to wait! Thank you!
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